Online Validation and The Blue Tick

Branding is all about trust. Sadly, sometimes it feels like the best way to get that trust is to validation from strangers online. There are other routes to freelance stability.

Should you ask potential clients to sign an NDA?

What do you think would happen if you asked new clients to sign an NDA? Would they consider it, or immediately say no? Either way, it’s something to consider. So here’s everything you need to understand it.

Navigating the journalism waiting game

What do you do if your editor is taking FOREVER to release your piece to the public? Well, you don’t have a whole lot of options, but you do have a couple.

Staying agile as a freelancer

You’ve grown your business into something to be proud of. Congrats! But you gotta stay light on your feet. How do you do that?

Setting the bar for your freelance rates

Deciding your rates is difficult, but here’s how you can at least make a start of getting an idea of the choices you need to make as an early-stage freelancer